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To host the API you will need to be able to host a Symfony application with a MariaDB database and a caching layer. You should be famliar with the basics of deploying Symfony: How to Deploy a Symfony Application

To host the Display Client and the Admin Client you need to be able to host standard react applications. You should be familiar with Create React App - Deployment

Docker based hosting

Docker images are built automatically for all three apps by Github Actions. They are tagged as follows:

  • latest most recent tag on main branch
  • x.y.z version tag on main branch
  • develop most recent tag on develop

The images are published to as:

An example of how to host the images can be seen at

General Hosting

If you don’t want to use the pre-built images, or have other hosting requirements these are the general instructions.


The Symfony application expects to be hosted at the root of your application domain. E.g.

The api will be availiable at /api/v1. OpenApi documnetation at /docs and uploaded /media at /media

To host the api you need a webserver that can host PHP applications such as nginx. A MariaDB database and a Redis server for caching.


Check out the repository in your folder of choice.

Make a .env.local file by copying the include .env file. Edit the env.local and set the relevant values for your environment. Specifically you need to set the DATABASE_URL to point to your MariaDB and REDIS_CACHE_DSN to point to a Redis instance for application caching.

In that folder run the following commands:

# Install PHP dependencies
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

# Clear the cache
APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 php bin/console cache:clear

# Run database migrations
APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction

# Generate JWT public/private keypair
APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair

Refer Symfonys documentation for general best practises for deployment.

Things to note


The application is build to support hosting multiple “tenants” in one installation. All content will scoped by tenant and cannot be seen by users from other tenants unless it is actively shared. To start using your installation you should first make a tenant using the php bin/console app:tenant:add command. Then create users with php bin/console app:user:add. Currently users created with this command are given access to all existing tenants.

For users who log in via OpenId Connect tenants are created automatically by the roles given as claims.

No further “manual” user management is currently supported.


Api Authentication is done using JWT. For the api to be able to issue JWT tokens you need to configure LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle correctly in the .env.local file. At minimum you set a custom value for JWT_PASSPHRASE. You can also customise the token lifetime if needed through JWT_TOKEN_TTL

###> lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ###
###< lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ###

Refer to the bundles documentation for further options.

JWTRefreshTokenBundle is used for refresh tokens for the display clients.

OpenId Connect is supported through AzureB2C. Other OPenID providers should work but are not tested. When using OpenId Connect the api expects roles to come in the format <tenantKey>Redaktør and <tenantKeyAdmin> e.g dokk1Admin for an user with role admin for the dokk1 tenant. This is currently not configurable.

Display Client

This is the client to run on your displays (screens). Simply check out the repository and run RUN yarn install && yarn build. This will create a production build. The Display Client expects to be hosted at /client.

After building you should create a config.json file and a release.json file. When booting the client will lock for these at /client/config.json and /client/release.json respectivly. You can create them by copying the examples files in /public.

Please adapt the values in config.json for your specific hosting setup:

  "authenticationEndpoint": "",
  "authenticationRefreshTokenEndpoint": "",
  "dataStrategy": {
    "type": "pull",
    "config": {
      "interval": 30000,
      "endpoint": ""
  "colorScheme": {
    "type": "library",
    "lat": 56.0,
    "lng": 10.0
  "schedulingInterval": 60000,
  "debug": true

And adapt the values in release.json to match your build (this is build automatically in the docker images:

    "releaseTimestamp": 1652273741,
    "releaseTime": "Wed May 11 12:55:41 UTC 2022",
    "releaseVersion": "develop"

All screen clients will check releaseTimestamp value at an interval and reload themselves if they see a new version.

Admin Client

This is the client the users accesses to create and schedule content. Simply check out the repository and run RUN yarn install && yarn build. This will create a production build. The Admin Client expects to be hosted at /admin.

After building you should create a config.json file and a access-config.json file. When booting the client will lock for these at /client/config.json and /client/access-config.json respectivly. You can create them by copying the examples files in /public.

Please adapt the values in config.json for your specific hosting setup:

  "api": "/",
  "touchButtonRegions": false

You should not change the access-config.json file unless you plan to make similar changes in Symfonys access model.